# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # The apps below this line WILL be uninstalled by default. Add a # character in front of any app you want to # # KEEP installed by default. # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Clipchamp.Clipchamp Microsoft.3DBuilder Microsoft.549981C3F5F10 #Cortana app Microsoft.BingFinance Microsoft.BingFoodAndDrink Microsoft.BingHealthAndFitness Microsoft.BingNews Microsoft.BingSports Microsoft.BingTranslator Microsoft.BingTravel Microsoft.BingWeather Microsoft.Getstarted # Cannot be uninstalled in Windows 11 Microsoft.Messaging Microsoft.Microsoft3DViewer Microsoft.MicrosoftJournal Microsoft.MicrosoftOfficeHub Microsoft.MicrosoftPowerBIForWindows Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes Microsoft.MixedReality.Portal Microsoft.NetworkSpeedTest Microsoft.News Microsoft.Office.OneNote Microsoft.Office.Sway Microsoft.OneConnect Microsoft.Print3D Microsoft.SkypeApp Microsoft.Todos Microsoft.WindowsAlarms Microsoft.WindowsFeedbackHub Microsoft.WindowsMaps Microsoft.WindowsSoundRecorder Microsoft.XboxApp # Old Xbox Console Companion App, no longer supported Microsoft.ZuneVideo MicrosoftCorporationII.MicrosoftFamily # Family Safety App MicrosoftCorporationII.QuickAssist MicrosoftTeams # Old MS Teams personal (MS Store) MSTeams # New MS Teams app ACGMediaPlayer ActiproSoftwareLLC AdobeSystemsIncorporated.AdobePhotoshopExpress Amazon.com.Amazon AmazonVideo.PrimeVideo Asphalt8Airborne AutodeskSketchBook CaesarsSlotsFreeCasino COOKINGFEVER CyberLinkMediaSuiteEssentials DisneyMagicKingdoms Disney DrawboardPDF Duolingo-LearnLanguagesforFree EclipseManager Facebook FarmVille2CountryEscape fitbit Flipboard HiddenCity HULULLC.HULUPLUS iHeartRadio Instagram king.com.BubbleWitch3Saga king.com.CandyCrushSaga king.com.CandyCrushSodaSaga LinkedInforWindows MarchofEmpires Netflix NYTCrossword OneCalendar PandoraMediaInc PhototasticCollage PicsArt-PhotoStudio Plex PolarrPhotoEditorAcademicEdition Royal Revolt Shazam Sidia.LiveWallpaper SlingTV Spotify TikTok TuneInRadio Twitter Viber WinZipUniversal Wunderlist XING # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # The apps below this line will NOT be uninstalled by default. Remove the # character in front of any app you # # want to UNINSTALL by default. # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #Microsoft.BingSearch # Web Search from Microsoft Bing (Integrates into Windows Search) #Microsoft.Copilot # New Windows Copilot app #Microsoft.Edge # Edge browser (Can only be uninstalled in European Economic Area) #Microsoft.GetHelp # Required for some Windows 11 Troubleshooters #Microsoft.MSPaint # Paint 3D #Microsoft.OneDrive # OneDrive consumer #Microsoft.Paint # Classic Paint #Microsoft.ScreenSketch # Snipping Tool #Microsoft.Whiteboard # Only preinstalled on devices with touchscreen and/or pen support #Microsoft.Windows.Photos #Microsoft.WindowsCalculator #Microsoft.WindowsCamera #Microsoft.WindowsNotepad #Microsoft.WindowsStore # Microsoft Store, WARNING: This app cannot be reinstalled! #Microsoft.WindowsTerminal # New default terminal app in windows 11 #Microsoft.Xbox.TCUI # UI framework, seems to be required for MS store, photos and certain games #Microsoft.XboxIdentityProvider # Xbox sign-in framework, required for some games #Microsoft.XboxSpeechToTextOverlay # Might be required for some games, WARNING: This app cannot be reinstalled! #Microsoft.YourPhone # Phone link #Microsoft.ZuneMusic # Modern Media Player #MicrosoftWindows.CrossDevice # Phone integration within File Explorer, Camera and more # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # # The apps below this line will NOT be uninstalled by default, unless selected during custom mode app selection # # or when launching the script with the specific parameters found in the README.md. Remove the # character in # # front of any app you want to UNINSTALL by default. # # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # #Microsoft.GamingApp # Modern Xbox Gaming App, required for installing some PC games #Microsoft.OutlookForWindows # New mail app: Outlook for Windows #Microsoft.People # Required for & included with Mail & Calendar #Microsoft.PowerAutomateDesktop #Microsoft.RemoteDesktop #Microsoft.Windows.DevHome #Microsoft.windowscommunicationsapps # Mail & Calendar #Microsoft.XboxGameOverlay # Game overlay, required/useful for some games #Microsoft.XboxGamingOverlay # Game overlay, required/useful for some games